First pakistani woman climber ON TOP of Chashkin Sar (6.400m)

1. First pakistani woman climber ON TOP of Chashkin Sar (6.400m)...

We are pleased to bring to your attention that the Satwa Guna – Shimshali People & Pakistani Youth OutReach Programe succeeded the first stage of the project by climbing the peak Chashkin Sar (6.400m) in premiere.Samina Khayal, Mirza Ali, Stelian Pavalache [Show as...
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The JW Marriot Journal (SATWA GUNA,  wanderer through the heart of the world)

The JW Marriot Journal (SATWA GUNA, wanderer through the heart of the world)...

SATWA GUNA [Show as slideshow] [eng]   Wanderer through the heart of the world Buddhist philosophy says that we are all born bearing the seed of perfection. Maybe not all of us see it, maybe not all of us are willing to make it grow, but we are all given the chance to reach enlightenment. Stelian Pavalache has a magical, round and simple way of saying that his beloved nature graced him with a blessing: the play of light. You can read that phrase twice, because it holds the essence of the special story we’re about to share with you, following the footsteps of the photographer, the journey of Satwa Guna. The seed of the Satwa Guna odyssey had been planted into Stelian Pavalache’s spirit since childhood, when the power supply used to be shut down so often during the communist regime and all the lights went out; the absence of light taught him the pleasure of the chase of light and shadow, the chase of harsh reality and ethereal essences and introduced him to the Light. “I started reading a lot, about photography, about the answers to those grinding questions, about Eliade’s far away lands, about civilizations, shapes and illusions, and how they spark in the human spirit, about...


Early conclusion: There are special people who have had the courage and inner beauty to be partners in this expedition, but unfortunately there are people who see only their own interest. People/.Co who have made this expedition possible: – Geo Dobre – Furtuna Cipiran Epson – Andrei Butuman (Video Division) National Geographic Romania – Cristian Lascu Dinamic Telecom – Calin Serbanescu F64 – Andra Lazar Ambasada Pakistanului in Romania – Excelenta Sa domnul ambasador Rab Nawaz Khan, Domnul Consul Tariq Mahmood Ambasada Romaniei in Pakistan – Excelenta Sa domnul ambasador Emilian Ion Marriott Bucharest – Cristina Nitu Libraria Carturesti – Ana Niculescu Matasari 17 & Beneva – Iulian Vacarescu Photo Magazine – Harris Wallmen ArchiWeb Design – Serban Enache   [Show as...
Shimshali People in ”” online magazine.

Shimshali People in ”” online magazine....

Shimshali People in ”” online...
Shimshali People in ”Arts and Crafts” magazine

Shimshali People in ”Arts and Crafts” magazine...

Shimshali People in ”Arts and Crafts”...
Pakistan Youth Outreach need your support!

Pakistan Youth Outreach need your support!...

Pakistan Youth outreach First Pakistani women winter Expedition Mingligh Sar 6050m Karakorum December 2010 You can send your donation following our link! After successful joint venture of Pakistan youth Outreach & Satwa Guna  Project to scale an unclimbed peak 6400m,Chashkin sar in the shimshal ,maidur  vilage of Karakorum , Pakistan youth outreach has been able to plan another historical adventure in the extrme  winter, this winter expedition is going to be the first pakistani women winter Expedition in Pakistan  women adventure history, Samina Baig who recently climbed an unclimbed peak and became the youngest and only  woman mountaineer of Pakistan ,will be the woman climber from Pakistan.  The other member of the team  is Jennifer Rawlins from Atlanta United Stats of America.The team leader will be Mr. Mirza Ali, mountaineer and PYO founding president  .some other team  will be selected after training! Since Pakistan youth outreach is a youth outdoor,mountaineering education ,awareness and women adventure promotion program, we solely depend on Donations and Grands. We would appreciate  and thank you  fro your Donations Sponsor for the first and historical Pakistan Woman Winter Expedition! Which is has been planned from 1st December till End of December, during the expeditoin the team will also climb a 5850m peak Quz ar,and an...
Panoramic view from Chashkin Sar (6.400m) TOP

Panoramic view from Chashkin Sar (6.400m) TOP...

Satwa Guna – Shimshali People & Pakistani Youth OutReach Programe succeeded the first stage of the project by climbing the peak Chashkin Sar (6.400m) in premiere. Samina Khayal, Mirza Ali, Stelian Pavalache [Show as slideshow] [Show as slideshow] Wazir Baig – Cook & Porter Arshad Karim – Porter Imran Khan – Scullion & Porter Yahya Baig – Porter & Master in  cutting sheeps  and goats Tafat Shah – Porter (Altitude technical advisor) Salamat Khan – Porter & Master in  cutting sheeps  and goats Mirza Ali – Climber, Partner & Owner of Pakistan Youth Outreach Programe Samina Khayal – Climber (First pakistani woman climber) Stelian Pavalache – Climber, Photographer, Movie maker & Owner of Satwa Guna Project Mr Donkey – Porter and...
Over 1000 followers

Over 1000 followers

In just three months we already have over 1000 followers on FACEBOOK , Thank you greatly for your trust and your time watching pictures, videos and texts from our blog. Like our page on FACEBOOK This particular phase of Satwa Guna Project is developed in collaboration with Mirza Ali the founding president of Pakistan Youth Outreach Programme: “SHIMSHALI PEOPLE” 2010 aims to achieve two video documentaries every 1h 30′ and also photographic series which wants to reveal but not to judge,aspects of the status of women in Muslim culture,traditions and local customs, beliefs and forms of mystical practices in Pakistan, Karakorum area in an attempt to perpetuate and sustain conservations of authentic values. Documentary 1h 30′- Women’s status in Muslim culture,traditions and local customs, beliefs and forms of mystical practices in Pakistan, Karakorum area.. Social topic in particular: Saadia Sharjeel (women climber), Samina Khayal (women climber), social subject in general :village of origin of the two climber women. Documentary 1h 30′- Alpine climbing expedition of a peak over 6000m by Saadia Sharjeel (women climber), Samina Khayal (women climber), Mirza Ali (climber and supervisor), Stelian Pavalache (photographer &cameraman , Ana Maria Pavalache (making of photographer). Photographic series (photojournalism, documentary, landscape,...
Sufi song (Islamabad)

Sufi song (Islamabad)

Sufi music is a genre of music inspire by Sufism its philosophy, and most importantly by the works of Sufi poets, like Rumi, Hafez, Faiz, Bulleh Shah, Waris Shah and even Kabir. Qawwali is the most well known form of Sufi music, common in India and Pakistan . However, music is also central to the whirling dervishes and the ceremony of Sema, who use a slow, sedate form of music featuring the Turkish flute, the ney. The West African gnawa is another form, and Sufis from Indonesia to Afghanistan to Morocco have made music central to their practises. Some of the Sufi orders have taken an approach more akin to puritan forms of Islam, declaring music to be unhelpful to the Sufi way. Video recordings made with Nikon D3s Sufi love songs, are often performed as ghazals and Kafi, a solo genre accompanied by percussion and harmonium, using a repertoire of songs of Sufi poets. Sufism or tasawwuf (Arabic: تصوّف‎) is, according to its adherents, the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a ṣūfī (صُوفِيّ). Another name for a Sufi is Dervish. Classical Sufi scholars have defined Sufism as “a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from...
Geo TV Show with Mirza Ali & Samina Baig (Shimshali People – Pakistan 2010)

Geo TV Show with Mirza Ali & Samina Baig (Shimshali People – Pakistan 2010)...

Stelian Pavalache, Mirza Ali, Samina Baig on Shimshali People (stage of Satwa Guna project) and  first stage of Pakistan Youth Outreach. & Mirza Ali phone uppdates: “Me and Samina have been Invited as Guests in a famous Morning show of Geo TV the largest TV channel in Pakistan (Geo Pakistan) on Saturday October 16th at 11:00am Pakistan Standard time! leaving for Lahore tomorrow for two days 🙂 wish us luck! its our first Invitation as guests from any Tv channel after Samina first climb as first Pakistani women mountaineer!” “Finally Home. The live TV show, i am told was very great and i received hundreds of sms ,messages ,Phone calls an emails, the people particularly Youths are very much excited and load the effort and with Big heart commend the initiative of Pakistan Youth Outreach. Also Satwa Guna project for a nice joint venture to make the first project successful!” “there was several live calls from viewers they appreciate and congratulate samina and felt so proud of her being first Pakistani girl to reach the heights point! after the live tv show, we met Sohail Sadiq a nice ,humble and cooperative man, who made our meeting possible with Adviser to the prime minister for women development.she assured a meeting in Islamabad on Monday...
Location of Shimshal village & Shimshal Pamir (Showerth)

Location of Shimshal village & Shimshal Pamir (Showerth)...

Shimshal is a small village located in Gojal, in the Pakistan-administered Gilgit-Baltistan. It lies at am altitude of 3,200 m above sea level, and is the highest settlement in Pakistan. The village was inaccessible by motor road until October 2003, when a new road from the Karakoram Highway at Passu was constructed. The Shimshal River comes from this area and then transforms the shape of Hunza River, which mixes with the Indus River below the capital city Gilgit. Shimshalis use numerous seasonal mountain grasslands, located several days walk from the village, to sustain herds of yaks, goats, and sheep. Most of these grasslands are located within what has been declared as the Khunjerab National Park. The area was founded by Mamo Singh and his wife. According to Shimshal’s history and tradition, their first child won the local polo game from Kargiz (Chinese) riding yak while the Chinese rode horses. The people of Shimshal are Wakhi and they speak the Wakhi language. They belong to the Ismaili sect of Islam. [edit]Shimshal Pass Shimshal Pass (4,735m) rises above the village. It lies on the watershed between the Indus River and Tarim River basins, and leads to the valley of the Shimshal Braldu River, a tributary of the Shaksgam River on the...
Shafabdi Express (Amritsar – New Delhi)

Shafabdi Express (Amritsar – New Delhi)...

… usa de la capatul vagonului este larg deschisa iar bucatarii se agita zelosi in jurul mancarurilor ambalate. Se simt ofensati probabil de lejeritatea cu care orezul lasa in urma aburi si aer imbibat de ulei mai muncit decat sudoarea lor. Am urcat in expresul Shafabdi fara bilet, am incercat ce-i drept sa o induplec pe doamna in verde sa-mi gaseasca un loc pe undeva pierdut, insa… in zadar. Indienii iubesc luxul, mai ales atunci cand il pot etala cu altii. Asa ca am ales sa-mi petrec urmatoarele 6 ore la marginea luxului in preajma bucatarilor si a mesterilor mecanici. Am platit dublu (1300rps) dar am ajuns la timp. Tineri si inventivi mi-au gasit rapid un loc bun de calatorit. Au improvizat din cutia metalica in care se tinea vesela un scaun, au aruncat deasupra un carton gros aproape regal si m-au invitat sa iau loc la „terasa”. In salonul boieresc multe capete colorate ale morocanosilor siq motzaie cu spamse, alunecand caraghios peste barbia infoiata a calatorului din dreapta. Altii strang chinuiti palmele intre genunchii deja anchilozati sperand cumva ca aerul conditionat (scapat sper intentionat la maxim) se va domoli iar temperatura glaciara din salon se va inmuia curand. Mecanicul face ture dese la panoul de comanda, se uita...
“Road” to Delhi

“Road” to Delhi

– english – 5 August 2010 The departure from Otopeni airport runs slightly classic, but funny. “We feel better Balkans”. Long tail for the flight to Moscow, just as long the tail for Romanian affected passengers (by the road, or by the bottle GG . On the plain a gang of children away on a trip – leaps my sleeping tone with a harsh and repeated “Wake Up”… till obsessions, funny… don’t you think? 🙂 Not for me. They had a colleague, who probably – afraid of flying – preferred to sleep, but as my case, he was not very successful. Live Bubico with whom he made you. Finally my passion: Moscow airport. I don’t know if you notice – in romanian country side, behind the cart there is a hanging lamp, a fork, a drill pet used as a shower, as well – a car number (running in) freshly polished (perhaps with bacon). Well, something like that is also here, it’s true, it seems more clean and whitewash than last time. Scolco? and I pointed my finger to a blue sandwich, frowning with the forehead sweating of condensation (not me, the sandwich). An exclamation in Russian language, the eyes turned up and a relieved flad in the end...
“Big” Team

“Big” Team

Our BIG TEAM:  Wazir Baig, Arshad Karim, Imran Khan, Yahya Baig, Tafat Shah, Salamat Khan,  Mirza Ali,  Samina Khayal,   Stelian Pavalache [Show as slideshow] Wazir Baig – Cook & Porter Arshad Karim – Porter Imran Khan – Scullion & Porter Yahya Baig – Porter & Master in  cutting sheeps  and goats Tafat Shah – Porter (Altitude technical advisor) Salamat Khan – Porter & Master in  cutting sheeps  and goats Mirza Ali – Climber, Partner & Owner of Pakistan Youth Outreach Programe Samina Khayal – Climber (First pakistani woman climber) Stelian Pavalache – Climber, Photographer, Movie maker & Owner of Satwa Guna Project Mr Donkey – Porter and troublemaker. Random pictures with people from our BIG TEAM: [Show as...
“Eid Mubarak” (Blessed Eid)

“Eid Mubarak” (Blessed Eid)

Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر ‘Īdu l-Fiṭr‎), often abbreviated to Eid, is a three-day Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm). Eid is an Arabic word meaning “festivity”, while Fiṭr means “conclusion of the fast”; and so the holiday celebrates the conclusion of the thirty days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The first day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month Shawwal. Eid-ul-Fitr Salat (Namaz in Urdu/Persian) is a Wajib (strongly recommended, just short of obligatory) or mandoob (preferable) – depending on which juristic opinion is followed – Islamic prayer consisting of two raka’ah (units)[1] which is generally offered in an open field or large hall called an Eed-gah. This salaat or prayer, can only be performed with Jama’at (i.e., in congregation) and has an additional extra six Takbirs (raising of the hands to the ears while saying Allahu Akbar (God is Great), three of them in the beginning of the first raka’ah and three of them just before ruku’ in the second raka’ah in the Hanafi school.[2] Eid ul-Fitr is sometimes also known as the “Smaller Eid” (Arabic: العيد الصغير al-‘īdu ṣ-ṣaghīr‎) as compared to the Eid al-Adha, which lasts four days...


    Media Partners

Team of Shimshali People (Pakistan stage, 2010)

Pavalache Stelian Nicolae was born in 1976 at Urziceni, Romania and working now as a photographer, programming engineer, web developer & graphic designer.
Founder and developper of the Satwa Guna (illusion of forms) International Project, the only major worldwide project in which photography catches the unity in diversity of universal spirituality.
Member and founder of Extrem Alpin Association, member of STUD FILM Asc., Romanian Alpin Club Asc., honorary member of ECO Bacau Asc. Senior photographer for PhotoDesign Studio, Photo editor and Senior photographer for Agency- Stock Photography (Dreamstime LLC United States).

Ana-Maria Pavalache was born in 11 september 1981 and works actually as a scientific collaborator in the SME and Entrepreneurship Institute of Haute Ecole de Gestion (HEG) in Fribourg, Switzerland. Parallel she participates at the master program in Entrepreneurship (Innovation and Growth) at the same institution.
Member of Club Alpin Moleson, Switzerland, member Centre Yang Chengfu de Tai Chi Chuan, Switzerland, member of SCI Romania, cofounder of ''Rotaract Pontus Euxinus Constanta''

Mirza Ali was born in July 10, 1983, a student (gradate from Karachi university in Business Management) and freelance mountaineer, is the youngest Pakistani mountaineer from the Hunza/Shimshal in the Karakorum frontier valley of Pakistan. From the time of his birth among the mountains and glaciers of the Karakorum/Shimshal (3300m), he became involved in the mountaineering life, and over time, it has enriched his blood.
Shimshali People in ”” online magazine.