Browsing » June 2010

Ladakhi People in (Satwa Guna stage, Ladakh 2008)

Ladakhi People in (Satwa Guna stage, Ladakh 2008)

… i’ve never reached those places with my soul, i just felt as a blind wanderer on lands which may have been once blessed with quietness and spiritual strength. Maybe back then, the people who didn’t belong to that land came and told THEM that there may be something wealthier and then they killed their […]

Team of Shimshali People (Pakistan stage, 2010)

Team of Shimshali People (Pakistan stage, 2010)

Pavalache Stelian Nicolae was born in 3 august 1976 at Urziceni, Romania and working now as a photographer, programming  engineer, web developer & graphic designer. Founder and developper of the Satwa Guna (illusion of forms) International Project, the only major worldwide project in which photography catches the unity in diversity of universal spirituality. Member and […]

NIKON interview with Stelian Pavalache about Satwa Guna project

NIKON interview with Stelian Pavalache about Satwa Guna project

Stelian Pavalache este unul dintre fotografii pe care nu ai cum sa nu ii invidiezi. A vazut lumea in lung si in lat, a fotografiat din Peru in India pana in Tibet, a escaladat unii dintre cei mai inalti munti si a facut reportaje in sate izolate, departe de lumea civilizata. In plus, este nikonist. […]

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