Shimshali People stage


This particular phase of Satwa Guna Project is developed in collaboration with Mirza Ali the founding president of Pakistan Youth Outreach Programme:

Times have changed, and today women in Pakistan are working in areas which were previously designed for men (army, police).Despite the progress made by women, society and government, females continues its efforts in exclusively male domains. Climbing is one of them. Lack of information in society about mountain sports (climbing), the fact that is an expensive sport, prejudices about women inability to climb, absence from home in a wilderness area are several reasons that explain the lack of women in Pakistani alpine world.

This project should not be isolated, he is part of a larger project that will culminate with the climbing of Everest by a Pakistani woman. We know that Everest was climbed by Iranian women, Indian women, Nepalese women. No Pakistani woman has ever climbed a 8000m peak. This is ironic if we think that Pakistan has 5 of the 14 peaks over 8000m in the world.

The wrong messages sent worldwide start here, describing a hostile nation against women. In this project promoting women climber will help create a correct image of Pakistan. The project consists of climbing a 6400m peak (for acclimatization) culminating with the actual climb of one of the first peak over 7000m located in Shimshal, region of Pakistan. Surrounded by countless peaks inspiring and exciting, glaciers, alpine meadows and hiking trails,Shimshal is the most inaccessible village at 3000m altitude.

Harsh conditions led to the development and improvement of special alpine techniques, which had also been a remarkable contribution to Pakistan’s mountaineering history. Men of Shimshal are recognized globally as guides and climbers in altitude. Twenty men from the village Shimshal climbed one or more peaks over 8000m in Pakistan, an unmatched act by other village residents. Rajab Shah becomes the first Pakistani men who climbs five peaks over 8000m in Pakistan.


“SHIMSHALI PEOPLE” 2010 aims to achieve two video documentaries every 1h 30′ and also photographic series which wants to reveal but not to judge,aspects of the status of women in Muslim culture,traditions and local customs, beliefs and forms of mystical practices in Pakistan, Karakorum area in an attempt to perpetuate and sustain conservations of authentic values.

  • Documentary 1h 30′- Women’s status in Muslim culture,traditions and local customs, beliefs and forms of mystical practices in Pakistan, Karakorum area.. Social topic in particular: Saadia Sharjeel (women climber), Samina Khayal (women climber), social subject in general :village of origin of the two climber women.
  • Documentary 1h 30′- Alpine climbing expedition of a peak over 6000m by Saadia Sharjeel (women climber), Samina Khayal (women climber), Mirza Ali (climber and supervisor), Stelian Pavalache (photographer &cameraman , Ana Maria Pavalache (making of photographer).
  • Photographic series (photojournalism, documentary, landscape, alpine)

Pakistani women are equal to these tasks and have everything on their side but the society.