Kazakhs People, Kazakhstan

A thousand years before the Christian era, the nomadic Skythian-Saka civilization prospered on the Central Asian steppes.Humans have inhabited present-day Kazakhstan since the earliest Stone Age, generally pursuing the nomadic pastoralism for which the region’s climate and terrain are best suited. Prehistoric Bronze Age cultures that extended onto Kazakh territory include the Srubna culture, the Afanasevo culture and the Andronovo culture. Between 500 BC and 500 AD, Kazakhstan was home to the early nomadic warrior cultures: the Saka and the Huns.In later centuries, the steppes were home to a powerful state formed by the Huns. Their empire greatly influenced the geopolitical map of that time. The Great Roman Empire in Europe eventually fell from the blows of the Attila the Hun’s daring warriors.Later, the Huns were replaced on the steppes by Turkic tribes. They founded several large states known as ‘kaganats’ stretching from the Yellow Sea in the East to the lack Sea in the West.