
Early conclusion: There are special people who have had the courage and inner beauty to be partners in this expedition, but unfortunately there are people who see only their own interest.

People/.Co who have made this expedition possible: – Geo Dobre – Furtuna Cipiran

Epson – Andrei Butuman (Video Division)

National Geographic Romania – Cristian Lascu

Dinamic Telecom – Calin Serbanescu

F64 – Andra Lazar

Ambasada Pakistanului in Romania – Excelenta Sa domnul ambasador Rab Nawaz Khan, Domnul Consul Tariq Mahmood

Ambasada Romaniei in Pakistan – Excelenta Sa domnul ambasador Emilian Ion

Marriott Bucharest – Cristina Nitu

Libraria Carturesti – Ana Niculescu

Matasari 17 & Beneva – Iulian Vacarescu

Photo Magazine – Harris Wallmen

ArchiWeb Design – Serban Enache


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